May News

We have been putting a bit of the leftover Patreon money aside for the last year or so to do some upgrades to the studio. At this point, we have started making those changes.

  • DONE! – Upgrading the computer monitors and the monitor arms that hold them onto the Happy Jacks game table. The new configuration and the bigger monitors make the screens much more visible to players, higher quality to the producer can see more color/framing/focus issues, and makes using digital tabletops a lot easier! It also got the monitors off the tables so the player have more room. The monitors were second-hand, to save on money.
  • SOON – Redoing the lights in the studio! We want to add a few more and move the ones that are currently mounted. They look great, but we sometimes run into issues with shadows and heat coming from the lights making the room uncomfortable. LED options have exploded in the last few years and we are excited by some of the cost-effective options that can help solve both these problems.
  • SOON – Adding more sound treatment to the walls and especially the tables in the studio. In our never-ending quest to get the perfect audio for the least amount of work, we have some ideas that should continue to break up the small echos, table noise, etc that still are sometimes captured when people are playing together at a table. We hope this pleases our listening audience.

THANK YOU for your continued support. I know that times are tough, but what we have built is important. We are one of the only in-person studios that doesn’t do any sponsorships or add content. That is a cornerstone of our network because we really think gaming is about having fun with friends, not just about spotlighting game systems that can afford to pay for airtime. YOU MAKE THAT POSSIBLE. It’s huge and we are very grateful. <3

Also, the mini-fridge is currently full. That rocks too.

Happy Jacks News:

Patreon News:

  • We have a lot of new Patreon supporters! We want to add you to the Thank You credits at the end of our shows, but we do not want to dox, deadname or list you without permission. PLEASE fill out the form on the Patreon page to be added to our end of show credits in a way that makes you feel loved but still safe. <3
  • Our long-running Wild Talents actual play, Pinnacles, did its final wrap-up discussion. You can watch it here on the Patreon page or it will be posted to the Patreon podcast feed soon.

Upcoming Events:

  • May 18th – Game Daze on the Happy Jacks Discord
  • May 24- 27 – GamEx at the Hilton LAX! Lots of stuff happening! Kimi is an official Special Guest at the convention, Jason is doing a Demigods book signing and the live HJ show will be on Saturday night at 8pm PST.

Further reading