As some of you may know, we’ve started streaming our shows live as we record them. This allows listeners to hear it early and also contribute to the conversation via our chat room.
If you haven’t discovered this yet, you can go to There is a flash-based streaming player and a chat room all on one page. For those that are flash-challenged, there’s also a link to an alternate site.
In recent weeks I received mournful emails, tweets and other forms of communication, where listeners have lamented missing the live streaming of our show.
Firstly, I would like to apologize for this — especially to those in other time zones who get up at un-Godly hours to hear us. Unfortunately, illness, last minute scheduling screw-up, etc., sometimes cause us to change the podcast recording time at very short notice.
Secondly, I want to let everyone know what our intended schedule is and where to monitor for last-minute changes.
Our goal every week is to record the podcast on Friday at 8:30pm Pacific Time. If we DO have to move the show, it will nearly always be moved to Saturday at 8:30pm. If neither of these times work, then it’s either recorded on Sunday, or the week is skipped (I think we only had to do this once or twice in 2-1/2 years.
I communicate last-minute schedule changes on twitter: @happyjacksrpg.
I also try to post the date/time of the next show on our chat page at: (this is the chat page we use during the show, and it remains unused when we’re not streaming.)