Jackercon. The name bring up uncomfortable images of a hotel banquet room full of men doing unmentionable things to themselves while trying to avoid eye contact with each other.
But that’s not what it is.
Conceived, encouraged and planned by the inglorious yet magnificent basterds of our forum, Jackercon 2013 will be a virtual game convention run through the modern miracle of Google+ Hangouts.
Hell, they’ve even set up a conplanner page for it, where you can announce and sign up for games. (thanks to the Fear the Boot guys for creating such a great convention tool).
We at the Angryfolk.com Bunker are doing what we can to help it along as well. We’ve set up a virtual lobby for the convention, where there’ll be a chat client for attendees to converse, a live streaming audio player from which various programs and events will be broadcast, and other things as soon as we can find them, like a real-time scrolling Twitter thingy.