HJRP1012 – Growing the Hobby
Your hosts: Stu, Tyler, JiB, Gina
Show Notes! We discuss growing the hobby, and the party we (hobbyists) can play in that endeavor. Grant from Saving the Game writes in about another reason role-playing stops when combat starts. Jonas writes in to point out that Stu’s criticisms of DnD4e’s combat length might have to do with a huge playing group, rather than the system.
Tom the Pedantic writes in to chime in on changing systems of a campaign mid-game. Michael from Minnesota writes in with a guygasm about Stan Rogers, and may create a game based on Barrett’s Privateers (a Stan Rogers tune).
Ryan writes in with the opposite of a gaming nightmare, and Drayle88 gives us a pretty horrific gaming nightmare to close out the evening.
Our next episode will be Saturday, August 31st, at 8:oopm, live from Gateway 2013. If our internet speed allows, we’ll stream it on Google Plus Hangout, which you’ll be able to view at happyjacks.org/live.