Hello Laser Patreon Heroes! Happy 2024!
This fantastic year started with a case of covid for some members of the crew! FUN! Luckily, due to our precautions, there was no spread via the studio or our in-person shows. It did however put us a bit behind. Apologies for not getting a newsletter out for January.
Happy Jacks News:
– The next Game Daze is happening Saturday, March 2nd. There are already 6 games posted with almost a month left until the event. Head over to the Happy Jacks Discord to join in the fun!
– Our Indie Designer of the Month for January was Christopher Gray! You can find his work at sunderedhold.com
– Our Indie Designer of the Month for February is Anna Landin! You can find her work at annalandin.itch.io .
– We have a number of actual plays starting up soon, including a Savage Worlds campaign run by Enge! Check happyjacks.org/schedule for all the updates!
– Our collection of emails for the advice show is growing! Keep them coming! 🙂
Patreon News:
– Our Nerding Out episode for January was about the original Star Wars trilogy! You can watch it here on our Patreon page or it will be posted on the Patreon podcast feed soon.
– Our d20 backers who could make it have been playing in an ongoing Starscape campaign with Kimi. More game offerings are on the horizon run by Jason and other Happy Jacks hosts!
Upcoming Events:
– March 2nd – Game Daze on the Happy Jacks Discord
– Feb 16-19 – OrcCon at the Hilton LAX (Live HJ show on Sat)